Bee Sin Shipyard

Bee Sin Shipyard

Key Services


Well-equipped with two slip-ways and a lifter barge, our shipyard specialises in repair and modification works for a wide range of vessel types such as bunker barges, tugs, ferries and launches.

Supported 24/7 by our team of specialised engineers and designers, we deliver routine and complex projects with quick turnarounds at highest standards.


The shipyard’s 4-storey building hosts both aluminium and steel fabrication workshops equipped with machineries and equipment.

Our in-house team of highly skilled fabricators sharpens our capability to provide cost-effective and efficient solutions for all our clients.

Vessel newbuilding

We have the capability to undertake the construction of newbuild vessels customised to the owner’s requirements.

Bee Sin Shipyard has built a range of vessels including ferries and pilot boats.