Singapore Maritime Week 2023: Harbour Craft and The Roadmap to Net Zero

Invited as one of the panelists of Singapore Maritime Week 2023's MarineTech Conference, our Director shares on Eng Hup Shipping's strategy in accelerating our decarbonisation efforts to achieve the industry's 2030 and 2050 targets.

8th June 2023

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The drive towards sustainability is reshaping the maritime industry. Invited as one of the panelists of Singapore Maritime Week 2023’s MarineTech Conference on the topic of “Harbour Craft and The Roadmap to Net Zero”, our Director shares on Eng Hup Shipping’s strategy in accelerating our decarbonisation efforts to achieve the industry’s 2030 and 2050 targets.

Tommy Phun, Director of Eng Hup Shipping
The panel was moderated by Dr Imran Ibrahim, Programme Director, Maritime Energy and Sustainable Development Center of Excellence (MESD CoE)

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