Tag: SMF

SMF X OGS Video Feature

SMF X OGS Video Feature

For many national servicemen, the ferry to and fro Pulau Tekong may be a familiar sight. But do you know where exactly does the Tekong ferry come from?

Commissioned by Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF), this exclusive video interview with local content creator, Our Grandfather Story (OGS) showcases Eng Hup Shipping’s rich heritage from its humble beginnings as a small lighterage business to today’s leading marine services provider with over 70 vessels.

From passenger ferries like the Tekong ferry, to launches, utility vessels and tugs, Tommy Phun, Director (Business Development) from Eng Hup Shipping shares what the different vessels in Singapore are used for, and his role in the maritime industry – an industry that transports more than 80% of global trade.

Watch the video here.

MSC Connexions Forum 2019

MSC Connexions Forum 2019

As one of the panel speakers, we had the opportunity to share our personal journey on the path towards digitalisation and workplace transformation.

In face of a weakening economic climate and low charter rates, Eng Hup Shipping embarked on digitalisation as a pathway to long term growth and sustainable profitability. The team had a grand vision of achieving a high technology console to oversee and manage all of their 70 vessels. However, this was met with multiple setbacks.

Despite the initial challenges, Eng Hup Shipping regrouped and took on a different approach – to identify the company’s pain points and target them one step at a time by digitalising simple manual processes that were affecting productivity. With this mindset shift, the team started seeing tangible benefits such as increased efficiencies and reduced manpower costs.

“You need to have a realistic expectation of what digitalisation and transformation can bring, it is not a magic wand, it is a long process.”

Tommy Phun, Director (Business Development), Eng Hup Shipping

However, these are only the first steps towards digitalisation. Eng Hup Shipping believes that there are many more untapped opportunities awaiting to be explored, and the company will continuously innovate, create and transform itself to become a truly future-ready organisation.

Read highlights of the event here.